Why, Cynthia, why? First of all, this film has NOTHING to do with the "Yes, Madam!" or "In The Line Of Duty" series. Cute and perky Cynthia Khan plays super cop Lydia Lee, the leader of the police force's A-Team. She's working on a murder case with her security guard boyfriend, and things get very silly very quickly. Inexcusably awful stuff that's an embarrassment to everyone involved. Who could have possibly thought this was a good idea? On the plus side, it has some fairly entertaining undercranked fighting (like in "Super Lady Cop"), but the majority of the film is painfully stupid slapstick and sight gags. (e.g. one of the kids in the film has super powers which allow him to magically remove people's underwear). The music score was stolen from all sorts of peculiar places, including "The Pink Panther" and "Oh My Goddess!" Ms. Khan looks awesome, fights competently, and has really long, beautiful hair. Of course, she is the ONLY reason to watch this cinematic disaster.
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