Petter Amundsen

- Alive we think.
Petter Amundsen (b. 1962) is a Norwegian organist in Holmenkollen Chapel, Oslo – Norway. Since 2002 he has decrypted a number of steganographic ciphers believed to be hidden in several first editions of William Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon’s books. In 2003 excavated Amundsen two sites at the legendary Treasure Island – Oak Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. His findings didn’t go unnoticed as it attracted media attention and amazed many in the local community, among them landowner Dan Blankenship. Many years of research has resulted in a number of publications, TV-series and a full feature documentary film – soon to be released. In January 2004 Rolling Stone Magazine published a feature story on Oak Island – The Curse of Oak Island, and included parts of Amundsen’s theory on Shakespeare and Oak Island. In the late winter of 2006 teamed Amundsen up with the celebrated author Erlend Loe to co-write Organisten (The Organist). This is an in-depth version of the discovery, published in eight countries. In December 2009 a four episodes TV-series “Shakespeares skjulte koder “ (Shakespeare: The Hidden Codes) was broadcasted on Norwegian National Television NRK1. An English version is now being produced. In March 2012 published Amundsen his second book: “Oak Island & The Treasure Map in Shakespeare”. This is an updated and compact version of the discoveries. In late April 2012 was a full feature documentary “Shakespeare: The Hidden Truth” released in Norwegian cinemas. An international version will be released over the course of 2013/14.