RAYA (Nikita Willy) with her four friends VEGA (Stefhanie Zamora), JESSY (Naomi Paulinda), RENDY (Roy Sungkono) and DITO (Jeff Smith) desperately go to the haunted forest area known as Alas Pati, a dead forest area, in order to make a documentation video about strange burials in the forest. The desire was carried out in order to increase the viewers (audience) of their youtube channel which so far have not been many fans. Even strange and creepy events occur. They found a row of corpses lying on bamboo raft and according to their beliefs, the bodies were not received by the grave and became haunting spirits. Another incident, a tragic accident happened to Jessy which made them frightened and left Jessy alone in the middle of the forest. Terror does not stop in the forest. Raya and his friends are hit by insistent terror from creepy creatures wherever they are.What is the fate of Jessy who is alone in a dead forest?Will they be free from the terror of the unseen?