Terry Gilliam's Brazil was maybe the Hollywood film that evoked the biggest battle behind studio doors in history. It's legendary and even the topic of one of the best film books ever made The Battle of Brazil. In short: Universal president Sid Sheinberg wanted to transform the dark dystopia into a sci-fi film with a happy ending while Terry Gilliam fought against that plan and wanted to release his version in US cinemas. The controversy didn't really help at the box office but the film still managed to become a cult classic quite quickly. That also made Universal be forgiving because Criterion was allowed to not only release the uncut Director's Cut but also the infamous Sheinberg Cut which is better known as "Love Conquers All". Still, the latter is a rarity and the dominant version in the US is the American theatrical version that runs 10 minutes shorter than the DC. Universal already released it on Blu-ray but it's still more similar to the DC than to the Sheinberg Cut.