As Garrett Cooper heads down the dusty old road leading to his parents' farm, he sees a wayward soul by the side of the road. Dirty, dusty and tired, Markie More has been walking for days and looks like he could use a nice bath and warm place to rest his head, and while Garrett can only extend so much hospitality, he offers what he has to the stranger in need. As Markie rinses off, Garrett spies the stranger from the barn, and Markie can feel a set of eyes on him. After washing off, Markie finds Garrett in the barn and can sense some nervousness. Markie asks him if he ever brings girls back to the barn and Garrett tells him there aren't many available, so Markie asks him about guys. Garrett gets even more nervous, and Markie prods him, reaching out and running his finger across Garrett's fly.