It's 2013. The government is in shutdown mode, Obamacare is about to launch, a disastrous amnesty bill has passed in the Senate, unemployment is sky-rocketing, the IRS and Bengazhi scandals are at a boiling point, and the Parks Department is instructed by the Obama administration to barricade WWII veterans from visiting DC monuments. Meanwhile, 10,000 illegal aliens are invited to hold a rock concert rally just feet away on the Mall lawn. Veterans retailate by bringing the barricades back to the White House only be roughed up by riot police. The mainstream media fails to hold the president accountable. And so one grassroots protest after the next takes shape in DC but the mainstream media either ignores the events or distorts what takes place. I capture most of these events on camera in a way that nobody else does. Only FOX and THE BLAZE care to report my findings, the mainstream media ignores my footage.