In a small Anatolian town life goes on; Cemal is an assistant referee in football matches, Yasemin works in an egg factory, Defne is a street vendor who sells books, Doctor Irfan is occupied with his patients... In this town with two suns and three full moons in the sky, Cemal -who can see through the walls- has no expectation out of life and looks for a way out with Yasemin -who can move objects with her fingers- as he was trying to deal with the distress that fell on his. However, Defne, who can freeze time will muddle things up; Yasemin’s immortal boss’ actions will contradict the invisible elementary school teacher’s advices who is trying to eliminate the worries of Cemal. Thou Gild’st the Even is a black and white movie about the ordinary sorrows, worries and troubles of the townsmen with extraordinary abilities.
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