Here's a weird one for you. And with the vogue for Korean genre film at its apex it should be just a matter of time before we get an official Hollywood remake. It has all the elements that American mallgoers love: a woman getting raped by a tiger (and a dog for good measure), a sex-maniac murderous feral helf man/half tiger who spouts philosophical nonsense, a foxy reanimated cyborg streetwalker who's just out for a good time and a guy who shoots bullets out uf his robotic penis when he comes - which is pretty much whenever he sees a picture of a ballerina. There's not a major commitment to realism at work here - but that's good. This violent, transgressive imaginary world is much better than the real world, if considerably more dangerous, particularly for anyone who has sex with Mr. Penis-gun, and he just gets hornier and hornier...
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